New Website Questionnaire

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Basic Information

This worksheet will help us to gather ideas and answer questions by you. The more complete this form is (or the better you convey your project requirements), the better the marketing results will be!

Full Name*

Company Name*

Phone No*


The following section aims to provide us with information about the requirements for your new website. Please provide as much information as possible when answering as this will enable us to respond to your request as soon as possible.

What are the primary reasons for the development of your website*

Do you have a domain for the new site?*

Do you already have a WEB hosting arrangement?*

Website Color Preferences (If any)

Kind of images to be used on the website*

Font Preferences (if any)

Do you have the content for your site already created?*

If yes, what is the structure of your content, please tick all which are applicable

If other, please give details

Will you be requiring “We Love Digital Marketing” to create any content for you?*

If yes, what is the structure of your content, please tick all which are applicable

If other, please give details

Do you have any design for your site in mind?*

Provide us a detail of the pages that you would like to implement on your website*

What is the URL of 2-3 reference websites that you like? What do you like about these websites?*

What features do you need on your website? Detail all features you think you would want on your website like. Chat widget, Payment gateway integration etc*

Do you need help updating and maintaining your website?*

Do you want your website to be optimized for SEO?*

Do you have the content ready for your site?*

Please provide the digital file of the logo and the images that you would like us to use on the Home page layout of your website.

What is your budget for the website?*