25 Nov 2022

Improve Your Email Marketing Conversion Rates


With the advent of digital marketing more importance is given to email marketing. Pushing emails is not nearly enough for your business to get your brand noticed at times it can work against your brand. Only with email conversion email marketing can bring in customers for your business. Typically, a 5% conversion rate is good. But how do you improve upon your email marketing so that your conversions can increase? In this article, we will discuss specific strategies that will help you better understand email marketing to have a scope of better conversion rates.

Strategies to implement for better conversion rates in email marketing

  1. Copywriting is at the base of good email marketing

  • Be crisp and clear so that your potential customers are not confused. Make sure the offer, subject line, and call to action (CTA) in your email are clear. Steer away from using jargon, long, complex sentences, and a lot of adverbs and adjectives. Add some flair to your copy by using powerful words* to arouse interest, surprise, or a sense of urgency.
  • Instead of sharing what your products or services can do, share how your business solves the consumers' problems. Focus on benefits, not the features. Features are specifics regarding a good or service. Benefits are justifications for purchasing something. While you might be a nerd for the product's cool features, your customer is more interested in what it can do for them.
  • Keep it concise and relevant. Stick to short, snappy sentences, scannable lists, and bullet points since most email readers only read the subject line. More clicks will be generated by concise, clear CTAs that use verbs like "Watch now." Use powerful words, which can string a chord in your audience. These are the words that the audience can relate emotionally to the communication. For instance, words like a bargain, forbidden, and bestseller is a few examples of such powerful words.

2. Focus on design for a seamless user experience

  • Mobile-friendly designs are essential as most of your audience will see the emails on their phones. The body of your email should be no longer than five sections on mobile, and only include images with the strongest visual impact.
  • Colors are often overlooked but are an important concept in email marketing. Corporate colors place restrictions on the colors that can be used in email campaigns. Therefore, it's best to keep your options open so that you can use particular colors to target particular clients. Make your email readable by using no more than three colors. To make your CTA stand out, use one primary contrast color. Bright, energizing colors should elicit a response, while neutral and dark hues should induce relaxation.
  • Use readable accustomed fonts. Use fonts and colors that are readable. Facilitate reading without squinting by making the font large enough. Make sure the typefaces you use for headings and body copy are complementary.

 3. Something tailormade goes an extra mile

  • Companies are aware of the importance of email marketing and its impact. Dynamic content is information that is displayed on a website or in an email and is personalized based on a user's past website interactions or current session behavior. In essence, this content offers a personalized experience that can make a target customer's interaction with a company's website or email campaign more relevant. 

Additionally, dynamic content can enable a continuous live stream for websites or email campaigns that must feature a live feed of data or information. With AMP for Email, senders can create dynamic content in emails. To personalize the text, graphics, or CTAs in an email marketing campaign, dynamic content makes use of the information such as the personal information, preferences, and behaviors of the subscriber. This increases the email's effectiveness and relevance to its intended audience. 

  • Make the emails interactive. Add videos or gifs in your emails to make them come alive. An interactive email is a format created to include interesting content that serves the functions of connecting with your audience and dynamically delivering information. With a variety of templates available, interactive emails, or AMP-ready emails, reflect visually stimulating content with an engaging interface that gives your readers a more sophisticated experience.
 Email marketing


Consumers' inboxes are swamped with promotions every minute. It becomes more difficult to stand out in this saturated market every day. You are, however, well-equipped to regain the interest of your subscribers and raise your email conversion rates thanks to these strategies.These use cases only scratch the conversion iceberg's surface. The possibilities are endless when using dynamic, interactive email content.  With We Love Digital Marketing you can make a higher impact on your conversion rate with email marketing.

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