18th August, 2020

Not getting good SEO results? Be patient.


In the 21st century not having an online presence for your online business would perhaps be, considered as foolishness. However, just having a website or any other kind of online presence is not equivalent to generating top tier revenue or having a good engagement with your target audience. It is very important to understand that with the amount of competition that is going around in the market, it is necessary for you to utilise all the resources at your hand in the most efficient and effective manner. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the best tool for achieving such an effect. However, SEO is not such an easy task, and generating good SEO results takes time, patience, and a lot of skill.

Search engines, SEO and the many things to know

What do we do when we do not know about something? What do we do when we want to buy a product but do not want to go out and buy it at the cheapest price? The simple answer to that is, we hop onto google and slap on some words (Sometimes completely undecipherable) and voila magically we just receive many different results, and most of the time the top five results are enough for us to get what we want.

It is truly magic if you look at it that way, but once you start delving deep into how search engines work the magic seems to fade away and a much more complex reality comes into play. Search engines are just a very complex piece of art that run on sophisticated algorithms. The key point to understand is that they are a piece of software and even they can be, optimized for our benefit too just like any other software.

Large search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. use very complex methods for providing results. For example, Google uses web crawlers known as “spiders”, the name may sound creepy but their job is extremely complicated. These spiders scour the entire internet for different web pages in search of content. These automated robots on finding a specific web page search for relevant links and then hop onto newer webpages with different content. After that, these webpages are, added to a very large database. This index is very useful for the search engines later. Whenever a user performs a search, the search engine uses the query to return the most relevant result from the index. The search engine does so by forming a ranking among all the webpages this ranking is, based on factors such as page speed, mobile-friendliness, keywords, etc. Search engines like Google use many of these factors and hence, provide the best possible results for any search query.

Digital marketers and business owners alike use these factors for optimizing their webpage to improve their ranking. This in short is, known as SEO and this is where the focus of SEO lies.However, to get good SEO results many different factors need to be, tweaked, and manipulated in a way that you can benefit the most from it.

Depending on how you decide to tweak these factors, there are three different types of SEO, White hat SEO, Grey hat SEO, and Black hat SEO. As the names might suggest as we move from one end of the spectrum to the other, the notoriety and short-term profit increase, and so does the probability of being penalised. In short, White hat SEO is the best one. It adheres to all the rules and regulations and does not make any misuse of the search engine algorithm or its various parameters. This type of SEO is, done keeping the user in mind and not the search engine. Hence, it can take time for the ranking to improve.

Grey hat SEO is, somewhere in the middle of White and Black hat SEO. It operates following some rules of good SEO while also bending some of the rules so that the ranking can be, improved in a short span of time. It is, done keeping in mind the user as well as the search engine; however, the probability of being penalised also increases. Black hat SEO is completely done for profiting in the least amount of time and improving the ranking drastically. It does not adhere to any rules and purely done, using all the tricks keeping in mind the various vulnerabilities of the search engine algorithms. Web pages using Black hat SEO have the highest probability of being penalised. Black hat SEO is the reason why search engine algorithms need to be, updated regularly. Hence, it is important for goodSEO followers to remain vigilant and adhere to all the new rules following in every new update to avoid any penalties.

Good SEO results take time

As discussed earlier, good SEO or white hat SEO is the best way for maintaining a good online presence, while avoiding any kind of bad consequences. However, the results do need a lot of time and patience to have an impact. The reason behind this is simple, you are not the only one doing it and there are many big players already in the game. More than 95% of the queries are, solved on the first page of a google search itself. Hence, it would be just logical to want to be on the first page. However, you must remember that it is a different story to obtain a rank on the first page and a whole other story to outrank everyone.
It can be frustrating to just, do everything and still not obtaining the rank that you so desperately need. You optimized the page well enough that it loads faster now, made it mobile-friendly, used all the necessary keywords, followed all the rules, and made a literal piece of art and still, you were not able to get the results you hoped you would get.
Now the first thing that you should remember is that you need to be patient with the process, you need to give it the time for having an effect. On the other hand, you can make use of some of the following tips and tricks to improve your search engine ranking.

Lesson 1:

The most probable reason why you are not being, ranked even after all the hard work that you did maybe because your website has not even been crawled and indexed. You can check if your website has been, indexed or not by using the “site:” google dork. If your site does not show up in the results chances are the spiders are not discovering it. You can see if you have set up your “Search console” and your site is, verified or not. If that is the case then you should quickly set up your search console and check if your site is being, indexed or not. If the problem persists, you might need to look at your “robots.txt” file and make some changes to it and make sure that it is completely discoverable to the search engine crawlers.

Lesson 2:

If you can observe your page being, indexed it is time to get your hands dirty. Hop on to google and start searching for all the keywords that are, related to your website and everything on it. Observe where you rank, do you rank on the first or the second page? If you are on the second page, you need to work more. If you are on the first page and not in the top five you still need to work more. Make your job easier, use software such as Moz pro, improve your pace of working, search for more keywords at once, and make sure to use every kind of analytics tool to get a full-fledged report on how your website is performing in relation to others. Once you get that, done optimize more and do the entire process all over again. Have patience and be persistent.

Lesson 3:

Good SEO results are, achieved using good keywords. If you wish to be in the high click zone then you need to be competitive enough. Keywords are the equivalent of striking gold on the internet. Using the best keywords for ranking the highest on the webpage is equivalent to beating all the top companies and taking their spot. Now, this is a good goal for the far-fetched future but not the near future. Hence, you need to use keywords that can generate high traffic while being competitively subtle. For this again you can make use of the incoming traffic data on your site, compare the keywords generating most traffic with the ones generating low traffic, and then optimize them instead of rewriting all the content of your web page.

Lesson 4:

Backlinking and internal linking are perhaps the best way for you to maintain a strong presence on the internet. When other large websites or companies mention your website, it is termed as backlinking. As discussed earlier spiders crawl using links, more backlinks mean better indexing and a higher rank with more traffic. However, you should make sure only the major players’ backlink you. When you use links to different webpages within your website it is termed as internal linking. Internal linking is good as it increases the usability of your site. Again, this makes it easier for the bots to index your websiteand improves the user experience too. All of this in turn makes your site gain the rank it deserves.
Now you can use these tips and tricks to improve your website’s rank and gain good SEO results. However, this can be very daunting if you do not have a technical background and have almost no idea of what is going on. Hence, it would perhaps be in your best interest to hire a digital marketing company who can do all the hard work for you, while you wait patiently for the results to take effect.
WeLoveDigitalMarketing (WLDM) is perhaps your best bet if you are an entrepreneur looking for Building, deploying, and maintaining your company’s website while also performing SEO that can skyrocket your Return on Investment (ROI). At WLDM, we focus on developing new digital marketing strategies for your business, to improve your Brand recognition and generate inbound sales. We are one of the best SEO Company in Kolkata and we believe in creativity as the only pathway to our as well as your success. We provide a whole array of services from Web Developmentand Graphic designingtoSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) andContent marketingat affordable prices. We take a lot of pride in every single job that we get and make sure to produce the finest results on them.

Keep calm and let the process work itself

On final notes, no matter how good SEO is, done, the key point to remember is to be patient and let the results work themselves. It can be, frustrating to not, see the effects of all the money and hard work put in to pop out instantaneously but that is just a part of the game. SEO is like investing if you want the big benefits you have to wait for a long time. It is a very iterative experience too and hence, you need to adapt to the changes rapidly. SEO can be tough and results may not be satisfactory initially but even a lion does not pounce on its prey right away. Good SEO results come to those who trust the process and remain patient. Moreover, if you need any kind of assistance feel free to Contact usthe best SEO Company of Kolkata will be at your service right away.