25th December, 2020

Tips for writing Instagram Caption

A picture may say a thousand words but that is not always true. Captions are a handy tool to add context to your photos. They also create engagement with the audience; posing a question on the caption box, will ensure more comments. Captions also attract people outside your following lists with the help of hash-tags. If you're captions are witty and engaging, you will earn more consumers and followers. Let us discuss Tips for writing Instagram Caption

Here are some tips for writing Instagram captions:

Use quotes

Using quotes and adding adages to your caption sparks an interest. Our captions are like mini-stories, and quotes are the door to the story.
They do not necessarily have to be literature quotes; they can be quotes by the person who has taken it or the person appearing in the picture, who is describing an emotion for motive in their life.
People are attracted to life stories and lessons we have learnt from our respective. We are always subconsciously seeking knowledge, so it is a good idea to pour wisdom into your captions.

Ask a question

The easiest and immediate way to gain audience and engagement in your posts is to ask a question. There are multiple questions to ask, depending on the type of photos.
You can post the same image with different caption and ask, "Which is better?"
You can ask simple question like, "What is your favourite song at the moment?" "What is your new year's resolution?" these are interesting and general question that includes everyone. People like talking about themselves so it is a nice idea.
Ask for feedback regarding your post, "What do you like about this photo?" "What would you like to see more of in the future?"

Add hash-tags

We already know the benefit of hash-tags, they are never redundant and will always ensure a like.
However, it is aesthetically unappealing when there is an immense amount of hash-tag, consumer might think you are needy for attention,
It is a good idea to balance how much hash-tag you use, so limit hastags to only three.
You can also add hash-tags in the comment rather than the post. The result is the same, but it is crucial to comment immediately after uploading. This ensures that your caption box looks clean.
For each particular field, there are specific hash-tags which are more popular and have a wider audience. Check out popular accounts in your field, and see what captions they use, and incorporate them into your own.

Tags and mentions

If your post has a location, a brand or a person in it, then it is a good idea to tag them, especially for locations. Not only does it bring more engagement, it is also more informative. People are inquisitive and curious about your posts and will want to know what, where and with who you took those photos. So do not forget to tag!

Use emoji

Sometimes, our captions can feel bland despite adding humour and wit into it. Emojis bring colour to your captions, they also give out the mood of that particular post with the emoticons and also the colour as well.
If you are feeling excited and happy, besides adding simple happy emojis, add red coloured emoticons or lightning emojis. This can be done with other emojis, yellow and orange.
Go through the entire emoji tab and find the best ones for each mood, after a while it will just flow for you.

Add the behind story of the image

When posting an interesting image of a place or an event, it may require more back-story unlike simple pictures like selfies. Add the behind story of the image, where it was take, how you felt at that moment, etc.

Write song lyrics or recommend songs

We know how intimidating the empty box can be, so if your mind is at a complete blank then just check the latest song you listened to and add them.

Recommend books

Similarly, like adding songs, recommend books you've recently read or add a quote from the book.

Use apps/search online

This may seem like a lazy option but to ensure the best of the best caption, all the time; the simplest method is to use apps like Caption or to search for Instagram captions and the examples are endless.


If you like these tips and want to know more about how to create engaging and interesting content in the internet and social media then check out our website and blog for more information. We Love Digital Marketing is one of the best digital marketing institute in Kolkata. We give away many information to help our customers master the art of digital marketing.

We understand the potential this market has from both points of view, the consumer and the seller. Therefore, our experience in this field has aided us into gaining new heights and territories, we are a growing institute eager to help our clients, so contact us for any queries you might have. We would love to help you!